Community Mini-Grants


The Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition is seeking applications from interested businesses, organizations, or individuals for grants and technical support for innovative coal mine land reclamation and ecological restoration projects. Review the latest request for proposals.Grant applications are due Friday May 31.


In 2021, the Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition will award mini-grants for projects on abandoned mine lands (AML) in Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The grant award will consist of funding between $3,500 and $12,000, as well as technical and planning assistance from Downstream Strategies. The grants are intended to provide resources and support to turn viable land reuse concepts into fundable projects. Grant applications are due Friday May 21.

Click here to download the 2021 Request for Proposals.

Ideal projects will:

  • Improve sites on or adjacent to unreclaimed AML features
  • Have nascent ideas ​that are 1) consistent with the potential project area’s economic development strategy or other economic and community development planning process, and 2) in need of additional support or capacity
  • Produce innovative expansions to existing projects/programs
  • Include both a reclamation and economic development component (which could be implemented in two different project phases)
  • Embody the Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition’s Vision of Innovative Mine Reclamation (see the Request for Proposals for more information)

Applicants should be state and local governments, economic development organizations, nonprofits, local communities, non-government organizations, and businesses or individuals that would be willing to find community or government partners.


In 2020, the Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition awarded mini-grants to four projects on abandoned mine lands (AML) in Alabama, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania. The grant award consisted of $7,000 in start-up funds as well as 30 hours of project technical and planning assistance from Downstream Strategies. The grants are intended to provide resources and support to turn viable land reuse concepts into fundable projects. 

Click here to download the 2020 full Request For Proposals.

Click here to see projects funded as part of the 2020 program.